A14 - Big Buck Hunter Pro - Classic Arcade Game

*Holiday Pricing May Vary
GOOD: Regular Price Up To 6-Hour Rental: $219.00
Better: Overnight (Keep It till The Next Morning) $273.75
BEST: Weekend Rental (Friday To Monday) $547.50
Monitors: Full adult supervision
Outlets: 1 - 120v
Big Buck Hunter Pro - Classic Arcade Game
Big Buck Hunter Pro Arcade game, This is a new species of hunting game that delivers a hot new quarry of no-limit fun to players everywhere. Big Buck Hunter Pro features an all new two player element known in the game as Shootout. Shootout lets two players compete in head to head, real time competition. Test results indicate the feature is a hit with new hunters as well as seasoned marksmen. But thats not where it ends Big Buck Hunter Pro also boasts 5 all new, high-definition 3D modeled animals to hunt. These animals look and move more realistically than ever before. Hunt Whitetail Deer, Elk, Prong Horn Antelope and now Moose and Big Horn Sheep. Hunting treks are now organized by species and not by region.